What Does 2024 Have In Line for You?

Hi. I'm busy. VEYR BUSY. So I'll get to the point.

HOW do you accomplish your goals? Well, here's my formula:

  1. Set a clear goal
  2. Add a deadline/due date/arrival date
  3. Make checkpoints & Map out those deadlines & Checkpoints on a 12 month calendar
  4. Break up the progress you need to make into Quarterly check points (There are 4 quarters in a year)
  5. List the steps and their due dates that you need to hit, in order to arrive at your checkpoint on time
  6. List the ONE STEP you can take today to make progress.
  7. Take that step.

Now, if you'd like to use a journal that can assist with taking those daily steps, then our O|S Journal may be the thing for you. Not sure? Join the club and see. The first month is free and after that, just $9.97 for a new journal each month.

The Price of Self Investment

Let's Get Started!!!

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  Welcome Aboard the ONE STEP SHIP. Destination: Your Dreams!
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  Pillar 1: CLARITY
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days after you enroll
  Pillar 2: MAP
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  Pillar 3: CIRCADIAN
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days after you enroll
  Pillar 4: ASSESSMENT
Available in days
days after you enroll

Big Goals, Small Steps

Accomplishing Big Goals starts with small focused steps. The One Step program assist you in taking those big goals and making small, focused steps to success, daily.

Contact Me

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact me via e-mail me at:

[email protected]

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